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I Decided to Do Something to Benefit my Social Anxiety.


Well-Known Member
Never in a million years would I think about doing this but I decided to create a my first platform on my TikTok account, well sort of. I had a TikTok account since 2020 but never posted anything just watched videos just to get a good laugh or whatever that may be.
I posted two videos today alone just whatever random of myself and already while I won’t make progress on the first day, I feel a bit comfortable being more expressive than I have in quite a while while. I had a friend who really encouraged me to try the make some content wether that be talking about biology facts, making recipes, and even taking about my life an an autistic.
Do I care if anyone judges nah not really not like I’m going to see these some of these people in really life.

So yeah I’m kind of interested to see where this goes and see if I can build some kind of community and platform and as a way to engage myself while unemployed. Let’s just hope for those in the U.S TikTok does not actually get banned.
I have to say that this is a pretty good idea, for real.

I started up a Youtube channel and got it rolling pretty well over the course of a few years, did a bunch of lengthy livestreams in front of people and all sorts of stuff in order to challenge my SAD. Honestly, it felt like 'public speaking lite' and it got me more comfortable making mistakes and messing up without being able to go back and edit it.

Honestly, my SAD is kind of creeping up again so I'd like to do this more to push back on it.
I totally forgot to make a comment on this as I got burned out the past couple days. So the TikTok account I have is more of a private one that I have and I literally have no one on it that follows me as I just use it for personal use. I am however decided to create a different account with content. I haven’t even set it up as I’m waiting to see what the ruling will be by the Supreme Court if the app will be banned or not.

I am setting up a YouTube channel where I am planning on giving educational tutorials on how to use technical programming software like ArcGIS and R. Where you can make scientific maps and graphs. I have several years of experience in these applications but finding a job as say a GIS analyst or a engineering tech is so hard to come by these days in this job market that I decided why not teach individuals through online demonstration as a side hobby. I am professionally an educator/teacher so it only fits.

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