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Host of Bullseye in the 80's, Jim Bowen dead at 80!


RIP! I used to watch Bullseye loads, but I was too young and crap at Darts anyway to apply to go on it.

First Ken Dodd, then Stephen Hawking and now Jim Bowen; Seriously, how many more famous people are we going to lose this week, let alone the rest of the year. :(

Yeah, I watch Bullseye a lot; loved the show, even if other people were taking the mickey out of it.
Peter Kay - Bullseye
First Ken Dodd, then Stephen Hawking and now Jim Bowen; Seriously, how many more famous people are we going to lose this week, let alone the rest of the year. :(

Yeah, I watch Bullseye a lot; loved the show, even if other people were taking the mickey out of it.
Peter Kay - Bullseye

I was going to say "That's 2 dead celebrities on the 13th? Prepare for the third."
But looks like it's already come... (3) and they're all old.

Celeb deaths will halt for a while now.

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