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Are things going to be okay?


Well-Known Member
I was at the store today and the lines are longer than I have ever seen them. People are buying everything and some shelves are empty.

I am not worried about the virus, I may get sick but I think I will get better. I am worried about people panicking, buying everything up and then people not being able to go to work to sell groceries or other things.

I have spent all my savings stocking up on the things I need. I am lucky being aspie I eat the same things everyday, they are plain and affordable. I will be okay eating the same for a very long time. It may be harder for NTs.

Are things going to be okay? Will the panic be less after a few weeks and things be more normal? I am frightened and trying to not think about it too much. I stopped learning from the news. I just watch funny things at home but .. are people going to be okay?
This is going to be messy. I feel like today is the turning point. Before they have claimed it's completly harmless now they have closed all of sudden all schools in the country (Germany). With the exception of 1 state. Until easter holidays. People are storming the malls right now. Medical supplies- big issue. We're right behind Italy on the list.
Panic will die down eventually. As will the whole "stores out of stock". The problem with that type of panic is that instead of buying things over time, everyone buys in one giant blob (even if it's not actually necessary to do so) and then wont go to the store again for some time. During that "some time", that's when you can find stuff again.

People not being able to work, yeah, it's an issue. Obviously not an issue for everyone. But for some, definitely. I definitely feel bad for those that have to deal with that, and wish them the best.

I will say this though: to stop paying attention to major news media is a very good idea. One problem is that there are rather... unscrupulous people out there that outright PROFIT from causing fear. And those people are absolutely in charge of news outlets. They COULD do and talk about things to calm people, make everyone's day a bit better, keep everyone informed yet not freaked out... but they dont, and they wont, because that doesnt bring in The Views.

Dont let them win. The thing to do is be SENSIBLE. Common sense, that's the thing. Be careful of stuff, be sanitary, learn to wash your hands CORRECTLY, dont touch your face/hair after you've touched other things (until you wash again), and teach others around you how they can be sanitary and careful too. That is how you can help the people in your life to be okay. And be careful *instead* of paranoid. There IS a difference. A difference I wish more people understood.

Now that being said: when it comes to some places being shut down? I dont think it's a bad idea. There are plenty at risk from this type of illness.... the elderly, the infirm, and those with compromised immune systems. Shutting some stuff down makes it a bit harder for them to get hit by that as much.

Of course, all of this will vary from one place to the next.

But really... you'll get through this. As will others. Again.... alert, not anxious, that's the key.

Now that all being said, it's a good idea to do things to take your mind OFF of this stuff. Being super focused on it all the time is one of the things that CAUSES panic in the first place (and again, the media knows this). Get up, do something fun or mentally engaging. Even if you dont feel like doing it.... do it anyway. And drink lots of water. You'd be surprised, what those can do for your overall mood and outlook.
The world overall will be okay. But like any big crisis, there will be some people who fall through the cracks. I know that's not what you wanted to hear. We can only do what we can do, so prepare, be informed, be cautious, but don't let it ruin your mental health.
It's gonna be worse before it gets better I'd say. Economical crisis is definitely on the horizon though and the next few weeks, maybe months will be tough. I am not in the best situation financially either.

1. Many countries closing borders and the virus itself mean less money in tourism, gastronomy, hospitality. People are going to lose jobs, money, homes (they already are). The country I am in now is in quite a bad situation. You should see the shelves here! There's no toilet paper, soap, alcohol, antibacterial stuff, pasta, rice, canned food..! People panic buying just don't help things. No gatherings, sport events cancelled, schools, clubs and restaurants closed. Staying home for now but I'm not a citizen so who says what can happen. Will they force me to stay or make my employer to send me back? And where?

2. If I am send back, I have nothing to fall back on. No room, no house, the only job being in hospitality which is in a real bad position. My current contract outside hospitality ends in April, who knows if I can get anything afterwards. Since I'm not a citizen but a resident, I probably won't get any benefits either. I may come back to my native country but would have to speak with embassy first since they completely closed borders. Besides, my qualifications mean little there, so no job, no money either.

3. Because of uncertainty, companies are losing money. If companies loose money, they cut costs. It means growing unemployment. It means scared people doing stupid things.

I don't know too much about biology but unless virus mutates, we should be fine. China and South Korea, for example, are doing much better and for all the cases 70.000 people are already recovered. Still, around 480.000 are expected to die, mostly the old and already sick or with weak immune systems.

In general, the yearly numbers are expected to be quite similar, so far, to flu-related illnesses. Not too deadly but very contagious.

But it's not the virus that is the problem, it's the influence it has on the world economy.

I don't know what to do myself, honestly. I'm stuck in a European country with a great number of cases on a work placement organised by a company in another European country where I lived for the last three years. I am not a citizen to neither. I'm afraid of not getting a job or a place to stay in the nearest future. Let's be honest. It's really scary.

Still, no reason to panic. Keep your hygiene standards and stay home. Watch Netflix or sth. Number of cases will grow but we can't really influence that.
I work in advertising and there is a possibility that my company will have everyone work from home, which no one likes. I honestly don't mind since I can work from home fine. I'm also not letting the situation frighten me. But try to keep updated with reliable sources, mostly look for updates that are factual in numbers rather than the opinions of politicians. This will only turn into a pandemic once people start to panic.
We're right behind Italy on the list.
Not anymore. Spain got four times more cases now than at the beginning of the week which makes it into almost 5.500. It got rather crazy in here in places, state of alarm, no one knows what's going to happen. People are scared. According to predictions they're going to be in the place Italy is now in a week or two.

And back home soldiers are being called back asap. There is going to be a 3 week ban on moving between cities too. Borders are closed, schools are closed, people work mostly from home. It's crazy. Worse so in Italy, my friend says her family can't leave the house without a document stating a reason for that and that they are prosecuted if the reason is false.

Well, we'll all just have to wait it out.
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"Bring out your dead...bring out your dead..."

Bring out your dead
Dead Collector: Bring out yer dead!
[A large man appears with a (seemingly) dead man over his shoulder]
Large Man: Here's one.
Dead Collector: Nine pence.
"Dead" Man: I'm not dead.
Dead Collector: What?
Large Man: Nothing. [hands the collector his money] Here's your nine pence.
"Dead" Man: I'm not dead!
Dead Collector: 'Ere, he says he's not dead.
Large Man: Yes he is.
"Dead" Man: I'm not.
Dead Collector: He isn't.
Large Man: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
"Dead" Man: I'm getting better.
Large Man: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.
Dead Collector: Well, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.
"Dead" Man: I don't want to go on the cart.
Large Man:' Oh, don't be such a baby.
Dead Collector: I can't take him.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Wikiquote
I was at the store today and the lines are longer than I have ever seen them. People are buying everything and some shelves are empty.

I am not worried about the virus, I may get sick but I think I will get better. I am worried about people panicking, buying everything up and then people not being able to go to work to sell groceries or other things.

I have spent all my savings stocking up on the things I need. I am lucky being aspie I eat the same things everyday, they are plain and affordable. I will be okay eating the same for a very long time. It may be harder for NTs.

Are things going to be okay? Will the panic be less after a few weeks and things be more normal? I am frightened and trying to not think about it too much. I stopped learning from the news. I just watch funny things at home but .. are people going to be okay?

I try not to focus on it too much so as not spend a lot of time worrying and like you am distracting myself.
I think we'll be ok. I agree the vast majority are unlikely to be very unwell, and as for shortages, if the toilet paper runs out, there's always newspaper...

Yes I agree with not watching the news, it's exaggerated hype.
Are things going to be okay? Will the panic be less after a few weeks and things be more normal? I am frightened and trying to not think about it too much. I stopped learning from the news. I just watch funny things at home but .. are people going to be okay?

I think it will be okay. People are serenading one another from their balconies in cities in Italy that are under lockdown. People are incredible and tough and amazing.

"Abbracciame cchiù forte", il canto dei napoletani in quarantena dai balconi di casa
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My stock portfolio is certainly not ok. Nor am I as I am currently self isolating with a fever and incredibly annoying cough and it sucks. Oh well.

The panic buying will most likely die down soon and shops will have a chance to restock over the next few weeks. This level of panic generally doesn't last that long and ironically as the pandemic gets worse the news of deaths and infections will stop being novel and so people will probably stop caring so much. A lot of people are probably going to die, many more will be ill, and the economy is going to be hot mess for a while, but yeah things are going to be ok. Individuals will suffer but the world will move on.
There's an old saying "Perception is more powerful then reality." that said. I got a feeling that all the panic and hysteria is gonna cause far more damage the virus itself. Like the figure of speech goes "The bark is worse then the bite."
The panic here doesn't seem to be dying down. For the THIRD FRIDAY IN A ROW the Costco warehouse stores in the SF Bay Area have been mobbed by panicky people grabbing anything they can, except for durable goods. Food and cleaning supplies are gone the first thing after the doors open. Everything has been shut down, except for internal travel bans which according to Trump are on their way. People seem to be getting MORE panicked, not less. I figure it's only a matter of time before food deliveries stop, after which it's game over, or game on. People will murder each other over food, law and order will disappear and be replaced by mafia (street gang) rule. It's possible it might be a permanent situation, with cities blockaded and those inside the cordon left to die.
Saw a big military convoy headed south from Oroville on California 70 (a highway) today. Big mil-spec big-rig trucks and humvees. A couple were towing cargo containers. For some reason it really scared me. There may be military blockades and quarantines pretty soon, probably in the Bay Area. San Francisco city especially is a deathtrap if it gets blocked off. The whole city is underlaid by either sand or a stone called "greywacke" that may be volcanic in nature. People are packed four to a room. No way to produce food, the water comes from hundreds of miles away through decrepit pipes. If the virus takes off there you have 875,000 people who can kiss their butts goodbye. Silicon Valley is in possibly much better shape-it was fertile farmland before the suburbs arrived, and suburban lawns could be ripped up for crops.
There's an old saying "Perception is more powerful then reality." that said. I got a feeling that all the panic and hysteria is gonna cause far more damage the virus itself. Like the figure of speech goes "The bark is worse then the bite."

As I noted, the panic seems to have become a "catching hysteria", at least here in California. That means that the panic has become a virus in itself, spreading through social media. Once people start rioting over food, the situation becomes either martial law or a cordon turning the area into a giant death camp.
Panic will die down eventually. As will the whole "stores out of stock". The problem with that type of panic is that instead of buying things over time, everyone buys in one giant blob (even if it's not actually necessary to do so) and then wont go to the store again for some time. During that "some time", that's when you can find stuff again.

People not being able to work, yeah, it's an issue. Obviously not an issue for everyone. But for some, definitely. I definitely feel bad for those that have to deal with that, and wish them the best.

I will say this though: to stop paying attention to major news media is a very good idea. One problem is that there are rather... unscrupulous people out there that outright PROFIT from causing fear. And those people are absolutely in charge of news outlets. They COULD do and talk about things to calm people, make everyone's day a bit better, keep everyone informed yet not freaked out... but they dont, and they wont, because that doesnt bring in The Views.

Dont let them win. The thing to do is be SENSIBLE. Common sense, that's the thing. Be careful of stuff, be sanitary, learn to wash your hands CORRECTLY, dont touch your face/hair after you've touched other things (until you wash again), and teach others around you how they can be sanitary and careful too. That is how you can help the people in your life to be okay. And be careful *instead* of paranoid. There IS a difference. A difference I wish more people understood.

Now that being said: when it comes to some places being shut down? I dont think it's a bad idea. There are plenty at risk from this type of illness.... the elderly, the infirm, and those with compromised immune systems. Shutting some stuff down makes it a bit harder for them to get hit by that as much.

Of course, all of this will vary from one place to the next.

But really... you'll get through this. As will others. Again.... alert, not anxious, that's the key.

Now that all being said, it's a good idea to do things to take your mind OFF of this stuff. Being super focused on it all the time is one of the things that CAUSES panic in the first place (and again, the media knows this). Get up, do something fun or mentally engaging. Even if you dont feel like doing it.... do it anyway. And drink lots of water. You'd be surprised, what those can do for your overall mood and outlook.

Thank you so much. "alert, not anxious", that helps me. I did stop consuming any news and it helps. I have very silly things I like to watch and I am watching them over and over. Although as an autistic person I am less able than others to manage, I think this might be the one rare time when I have some advantages.

I am comfortable spending my time alone. I do not go to movies, concerts or night clubs. I like to eat the same thing every day. I think if there is a time when people need to be quiet and alone, aspies can do better than people who do not know how to live like that. It is normal for many of us.

I will say that while shopping today was scary because of the crowds, people with full shopping carts and shelves emptying, all the people I saw today were nice. Maybe they were extra nice because of what is happening or I thought I saw that but nobody did anything mean that I saw.
I know there's already been many posts about the Corona virus, but I wanted to ask about this fear some people I know have of quarantine. They believe we need to stock up on food and other supplies because we'll be quarantined and unable to buy more supplies. Is this a legitimate fear? They also worry stores will run out of food but that doesn't seem likely to me.

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