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Anyone else here excited to check out American Gods or the next season of Chronicles of Shannara?


Well-Known Member
I hear the American Gods series pretty much perfectly follows the book so far and I can't wait to see it once I have my own internet again! Also, MTV dropped Shannara cause it was too adult for them, but oh well now Spike TV has renewed it for season 2 starting in October!

For those that have no idea what I'm talking about with those shows and their preexisting fiction authors:
Neil Gaiman - Wikipedia

Terry Brooks - Wikipedia
Thanks for the info re Chronicles of Shannara - I missed the first season but hopefully I can find it on Netflix or something. Would also love to catch American Gods. LOVE both Gaiman & Brooks - OMG, I'm now so excited to catch these shows! :-)
I'm really excited about American Gods, I loved the book and hearing Gaiman excited about the show makes me a little more confident about its quality.
Ian McShane as Mr Wednesday would be enough reason for me to watch, though. Just haven't gotten around to watching the show yet :)
Nope... I am looking forward to attending a vintage motorbike rally on the weekend though... :) But don't let me be a spoil sport... :cool:
Thanks for the info re Chronicles of Shannara - I missed the first season but hopefully I can find it on Netflix or something. Would also love to catch American Gods. LOVE both Gaiman & Brooks - OMG, I'm now so excited to catch these shows! :)
Actually, from what I hear, they're now re-airing the first season of Shannara on Spike to gear everyone up for October! =D

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