My obsession has always been determining how the universe works via particles physics or cosmology. Anyone else having simular interest, I would love to connect with.
Before the beginning all was nothing and nothing was all, infinity and zero were the same. A single point in space can be anywhere, with every where being where that point is. As the point has no volume and movement is undetectable, time would not be required, as its passage would be unobservable.
Since space cannot be infinite and a point, mutually exclusive, its volume can only approach these two boundaries. A single particle would exist as a distribution over the breadth of the universe. Hence the origin of Quantum Mechanics, an expected consequence.
Time is a consequence of movement not an entity in its own right. Movement always exists with every particle thus inducing its own time. Only at the moment of the big bang were their no movement and thus no time. Time started with the big bang, it can only flow forward.
If the universe were static and made of particles that were point like there would be not need for time. You could not tell one instant from the next. Nature does not like undue complexity; time is the result of movement, and as long as movement exists so does time. Time is emergent see Carlo Rovelli's book The Order of Time see an alternative opionion see Lee Smolin's book Time Reborn.
Before the beginning all was nothing and nothing was all, infinity and zero were the same. A single point in space can be anywhere, with every where being where that point is. As the point has no volume and movement is undetectable, time would not be required, as its passage would be unobservable.
Since space cannot be infinite and a point, mutually exclusive, its volume can only approach these two boundaries. A single particle would exist as a distribution over the breadth of the universe. Hence the origin of Quantum Mechanics, an expected consequence.
Time is a consequence of movement not an entity in its own right. Movement always exists with every particle thus inducing its own time. Only at the moment of the big bang were their no movement and thus no time. Time started with the big bang, it can only flow forward.
If the universe were static and made of particles that were point like there would be not need for time. You could not tell one instant from the next. Nature does not like undue complexity; time is the result of movement, and as long as movement exists so does time. Time is emergent see Carlo Rovelli's book The Order of Time see an alternative opionion see Lee Smolin's book Time Reborn.
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