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But You Don't Look Autistic At All

But You Don't Look Autistic At All 2021-07-03

Book Type
  1. Paperback
  2. Digital
Bianca Toeps
Autism – that’s being able to count matches really fast and knowing that August 7, 1984 was a Tuesday, right? Well, no. In this book, Bianca Toeps explains in great detail what life is like when you're autistic.

She does this by looking at what science says about autism (and why some theories can go straight in the bin), but also by telling her own story and interviewing other people with autism. Bianca talks in a refreshing and sometimes hilarious way about different situations autistic people encounter in daily life. She also has some useful tips for non-autistic people too: what you should do if someone prefers not to look at you in the eye, why is it sometimes better to communicate by email, and, most important of all, why it is not a compliment if you say: "But, you don't look autistic at all!"

Bianca Toeps (1984) is a web developer, photographer and blogger at toeps.nl. Her hair colour changes bimonthly, she loves buying and selling vintage clothes and cameras, and she spends three to six months a year in Tokyo. Oh, and she’s autistic.

Blossom Books
2020 1e
First release
Last update


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