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  • I was talking to my best friend (who is Polish) and told him that out of all the non-native English speakers I’ve interacted with, Polish people seem to speak the most fluent English. A lot of them also pick up on our slang phrases pretty easily (this is a compliment.) My friend said it’s pretty much mandatory there to start learning English as a second language in first grade.
    Just my random thought for today lol
    I made artichoke and spinach dip! It came out really good!

    If you’re wondering about the coffee mug, it’s this lol
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    I wrote on another person's profile that I hope their choices will celebrate theirself. Luca, I think you are ahead of things. I see a lot of celebration in your posts.
    Maybe I'm having a brain fart, but I don't get what was so funny... was it the coffee mug? Or the decorations? Lol
    I hope I didn't do a really bad job with the food :/
    It made me giggle- point me to the coffee. Then the dog is actually "pointing." So it's humorous. Cute cup.
    My surgery got rescheduled to the day after my birthday and I can't change it :( Definitely not the surprise gift I was looking for this year...
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Ouch! The anestesiologist will meet with you before surgery. Please discuss your previous experience. I hope to hear that the problem is corrected and you are healing well. On the 20th I will have a procedure under general anesthesia to remove scar tissue caused by catheterization from an earlier procedure in May. I am so weary of hospitals.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Good luck with everything.
    Fire that doctor, the nerve.
    I love October and Halloween, but this is the time of year that it starts to get unnervingly creepy where I live :/ I was out with the dogs tonight and it's pitch black outside, there's a creepy moon, it's dead silent, and it's windy. No wonder Stephen King loves New England lol
    Tangential information: He's fond of making statements about assessing air quality in Derry (as in, smelling the Derry air);
    and he's afraid of/dislikes/is creeped out by "squishy things."
    @Gerald Wilgus I actually had the ingredients to make quesadillas this time!
    I am trying Lebanese in Nov. Kinda of excited. My daughter grew up on carnitas, duce de leche cake, flan of course.
    Mmmm add tortillas to my list.
    If you ever fry one in a skillet, add garlic powder first, and grill the garlic. Then when you put the quesadilla in, the garlic powder will stick to the tortilla, and it will be crunchy and taste like smoked garlic. It's a kick of flavor.
    I'm in a much better place mentally since I've been posting less on here and avoiding controversial threads. I still think about a lot of you every day and I do check in occasionally.
    There's no obligation for anyone to participate in thread topics that
    involve controversy. I figure if a topic isn't something a person would
    have a feeling of satisfaction & a degree of enjoyment from, then leave it
    Yeah, I learned my lesson about that.
    Having kind of a painful surgery next month, ew. I saw my doctor today and he said it's the best course of action.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    After having two painful operations this year and maybe facing another. You have my wishes for an easy and thorough recovery. Before release be sure the surgeon, nurse or resident can give you proper instructions that you may follow to heal properly.

    I am so tired of hurting, yet the procedures are keeping me active.
    I hope you get some relief from your pain soon too. Surgery is awful. I'm glad it's helping to keep you active though!
    I need to stop trying to convince myself that I'm not depressed.
    Over the road from me used to be a garage with the owner's house next door. She was nuts but lurking in her attic was a bat roost until the house was demolished. They used to fly around my house and I would sit and watch them.
    Story 2(!) There is another house in the village with a bat roost in the attic. I used to go around mate's house next door and watch them hunting in his garden. You could hear the little 'chirp' noises as they flew around.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Once when my adventurous neice was staying with us, we took her to an old barn in a forest preserve to watch the bats emerge.
    She was terribly excited to see the bats. I was glad to see some of my love for Natural History rub off. (added) She is the one I am treating to a geology trip in Morocco for her first trip outside the US.
    I’m going to stick to off-topic and lighthearted threads from now on and will be around occasionally. But as for serious threads, I just cannot do it anymore, for the sake of my mental health. I won’t be “gone” permanently but I will be posting way less often and only in fun threads. Thanks again for the supportive comments.
    I will definitely stay in touch with you!
    You should have your own you tube channel. You really educate people on dog handling and you are very knowledgeable. I wouldn't be surprised if you had 50,000 or more followers
    But the nature of autism puts a big dent in that. Anyways, only wishing you more success. :)
    I think my time posting regularly on this forum is coming to an end. Having the community aspect was very helpful, and there are people here that I've made genuine connections with, but the whole vibe has changed for the worse since I joined a year ago and there are a lot of things I regret opening up about. I will stay in touch with anyone who would like to via PM and email. I need to take care of my mental health.
    I appreciate your friendship, @Luca. Thank you for having been there for me. You are a genuine person with a lot of heart and good advice. Thank you. Anytime you want to reach out, please do so.
    Thank you all for your friendship too, and feel free to reach out anytime, I will still be replying to private messages!
    politicians envy luca for her high favorability ratings lol
    I just had the scariest experience with sleep paralysis that I’ve ever had in my life. Holy crap. I don’t know if I want to go back to sleep now :(
    I´m not sure, because this memory lies very far in the past, but I think I had this too at least once @LadyS with the same feeling
    I had it a few times in the past, that I woke up and kicked out my blanket out of bed, like it would be a bunch of snakes on my legs. having panic while this. after I realize that I stand on the floor, my blanket under me and wrapped around my legs. anyone else too?
    I had a few times sleep paralysis, where my face was on the pillow or I think it was so, I couldn´t move and had the feeling or really was about suffocating, until I could move my body and could breath again.
    I'm really behind on responding to private messages, I'm sorry! It has been a super busy weekend and I'm working on getting back to everyone real soon! Just wanted to post this in case anyone feels ignored, I'm sorry if you do! Hopefully I will have some free time tomorrow.
    Nope. I am surprised at how often you do post, given your very active lifestyle. It's so much fun to have a window into the world of competition and beautiful pictures and videos that you kindly share.
    Odin’s show coat finally grew back. I learned my lesson, I am the only one who can groom my dogs from now on. That groomer should have known that you don’t shave Newfoundlands!
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Shaved a Neufie! What fresh hell is that? Has he been trained for water rescue? Once saw them perform at a water skills seminar where my spouse and I demonstrated a canoe over canoe rescue. I was good and was the rescuee.
    That’s amazing! I’m thinking about doing water sports with him.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Yep, strong swimmers, fearless, and used for ages in lifesaving, Newfoundlands are quite the water dog.
    I have to go to the hospital after work to pick up knee and hip braces. Yay… :/
    I would honestly love to put stickers on them lol, but they’re this kind
    Open knee cap area? You could draw something with a sharpie or marker.....
    It's annoying in the summer to wear mine because it's visible and hot. I tried to wear it at home rather. I have a bright green one and could be funky that way, but not really fit for dresses lol.
    I'm having an eczema flareup on my face and inside my ears and it's so uncomfortable :( Ear eczema is the worst thing ever because it's impossible to scratch it!
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    That is terrible, on top of your other worries. I once had shingles affecting my ininner ear and it was terrible (since then have gotten the vaccine). I hope the eczema will resolve soon.
    Omg, I've never had shingles but I heard it's unbearable. I'm so sorry that happened!
    I'm going to put some topical treatments on it after I take a shower this morning.
    My daughter had it, and l put jojoba oil on it that l bought in health food store. But don't buy rancid. Maybe a q-tip with just a tiny bit on it? Her case of it was gone in about 7 days.
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