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  • In case anyone is wondering, yes, at a point in my life about a year ago, I identified as a "transmasculine" person. I "detransitioned" because I didn't feel like I was the most authentic version of myself. I didn't do it to invalidate the trans community or because I felt like I'd made a mistake, I was trying to figure myself out, and I discovered that the "me" that is the most authentic is more... female.
    I definitely don't fit into a box, either. I don't express myself outwardly as a female, but those who know me best see way more feminine qualities in me than masculine ones. I've also never felt fully male, but something in between.
    very cool that you discovered yourself and found what fits for you the best.
    Going through one or more phases of questioning is perfectly normal and healthy. None of us wakes up with an identity - it's something that we discover, and even then, it's quite possible for it to be evolving over time. I think all that really matters is that you have an open mind and are honest to yourself, and if you are brave enough, to those around you. (Cue Sara Bareilles' Brave)
    I just had a nightmare that I bought a cursed item at Five Below, and it was haunting my house. Lol
    Little known fact: they actually sell cursed items IRL, too. Just try their art supplies!
    Creepy. That has me freaked out. Things can carry energy.
    YouTube videos keep popping up on my recommended feed with titles like "People who do this are annoying" or whatever, and I watch the videos... and the traits they're describing are all things that I do. I realize that people are probably making those videos for clout/views but it makes me feel insecure because some of the traits they're describing are SUPER common with autistic people (including me)
    Thanks :)
    “Eldritch abomination Krispie treats” sounds hilarious, lol
    Weirdly I think the algo knows if you're going to click, or at least tries to bait people into clicking certain things. Even though I avoid memes like the plague 99.9% of the time, they seem to know that if they hit just the right level of nerdy obscurity for me I'm going to have no choice but to see what's up, and then that gives them the green light to go ahead and recommend more of the same
    when you ever again think that you would be annoying here (which is not true), then think of that I much more jangle peoples nerve here lol. I would write less, but it´s important for me to write here lol. but I think I´m really annoying (sometimes) and I think in my case it´s true lol.
    I think some people are just too polite to tell me how annoying I am lol. or they constantly say it, but I don´t see it, because they are on my ignore list, lol. I think some people suffer torment, when they read my posts lol.
    You’re definitely not tormenting me. Lol
    that´s good, when I would ever act stupid or hurtful, then I hope, not to you lol.
    Omg. Such a tiring work day. I came home in the evening and went right to sleep. Same thing tomorrow lol
    I didn’t think electric razors were supposed to be able to cut skin. I just shaved my legs and it looks like I walked through a field of weedwackers.
    Everyone's skin and hair follicles are different. Which can often preclude a notion that there are absolute "idiot-proof" shaving methods or devices. The direction of how hair grows can also influence the ease- or struggle of getting a clean shave without drawing blood. And then comes "technique".
    @Judge Stubble on my legs is exactly what I don’t want lol. I had been using a men’s beard trimmer on my legs to reduce the risk of getting cut. It left stubble. So I bought this Clio Palmperfect thing… holy crap. Blood everywhere. I’m just going to get a razor lol
    I had a g/f who would always have me shave her legs (and other places). While she had much softer hair follicles, she just didn't have a knack of , or patience with holding a conventional blade razor with a light touch at the right angle to get a nice, clean and painless shave. IMO technique and patience go a long way.
    My "weight loss journey" is back to square one. I really messed up in the past couple of months. I think I'm also retaining water.
    I'm sitting on the couch right now and I'm wearing legging shorts, and my thighs just look massive and flabby. Society has really messed up standards for what people are "supposed" to look like, and that's probably why I feel so bad.
    I lost weight once. I was really lucky that someone handed it in to lost property. I've been more careful since.;)
    i don´t think that you have too much weight, but do like you feel comfortable with it, without pressure from outside
    Try not to hang around the superficial persons Luca. The ones who are in love with their own looks and bodies or judge persons by looks and bodies often are lacking in important character traits somewhere. Find the ones who accept, appreciate and respect you for your character, interests and abilities. Then you can love yourself more and do things at your pace, not theirs.
    I don't want to start an entire thread about this, but just a straightforward question: does anyone else have recurring nightmares or night terrors? Or know how to get rid of them? I have the same one (with slight variations) at least twice a week and it really stresses me out.
    How did you face them? Were they fears that you had to get over? Mine are usually reliving traumatic events that actually happened to me.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Yes, they allways are fear related. I will pm you.
    Ok, thank you :)
    I’m not going to keep setting myself up to get hurt by trying to make friends in real life anymore. It ends exactly the same way every single time. Instead of just crying and feeling sorry for myself, I’m going to put my foot down and break the cycle. I’ve had enough.
    and with different personalitys and not when everyone is the same. i think this brings in some balance and different opinions.
    Nope, you’re not wrong. It’s the same for me!
    It's terrible when it goes nowhere. I waited for a long time to approach a person and when i had a plan I was completely shut down for it. Feels really bad and people aren't open-minded.
    If my recent posts have sounded a bit “edgy” or cranky, I’m sorry, and it might be because I’m dealing with a really anxiety-inducing situation in my personal life, that I can’t really talk about publicly on here out of respect for someone’s privacy. I am able to go into more detail in a PM if anyone would be willing to put up with me venting lol
    It is so pitch black and creepy at night here and it makes it harder to sleep. We have some “light pollution” from a nearby town which makes the sky turn a creepy ominous orange when it’s cloudy. The longer I live here, the creepier it gets. We don’t really have streetlights either. I keep telling myself this is temporary but I have yet to find a house that’s reasonably priced.
    Earlier I used the phrase “Truman Show-esque” to describe my neighborhood. It has that kind of unsettling quality. It doesn’t look that weird during the day but it was clearly designed poorly because it becomes very dystopian at night. Some lights would help.
    I always refer to where I live as a "town," but it's actually a "census-designated place." It's not an actual town. It's more like a populated village in a part of a larger rural town. I know that's totally random and doesn't matter, but I've been calling it a town and it's not. Lol
    A census-designated place is for "statistical purposes" on the US census. It's not always a real town.
    It said "something went wrong, try refreshing your browser or coming back later" when I clicked on it. Lol
    Oh! Now it works :)
    Those are really cool photos. And the owners look like friendly people.
    I have a migraine and I was throwing up for the past 15 minutes, and it doesn’t help that my house is extremely dark and creepy right now. And I have to be awake in 7 hours. Story of my life lol
    Migraines are the worst. Hope is subsides for you soon.
    Can you turn on some soft lights in the dark areas? Sounds like the dark is triggering you. Did you eat something bad? Can you drink some seltzer for your stomach?
    Thanks everyone. I’m okay now.
    For context, the pain was what was making me throw up. And migraines are a frequent occurrence for me, unfortunately.
    One of the only fast food places I like is Popeye’s. I generally don’t mind KFC either. But I have never tried Chick-Fil-A or Zaxby’s. Are any of those worth trying?
    Sorry for posting so many statuses about food lol
    Chick fil A has THE best sandwiches. Me n my family been going there ever since I was a boy lol
    Chik-fil-a is popular here for a reason :) we've got 3 in my area alone and the lines are always out the driveway for all them. I don't eat fast food chicken but it's worth trying...
    Zaxbys - l had a chicken salad l really liked. And my friend had a grilled chicken sandwich he enjoyed. But alot of their food is fried and they do a good job. Our Chick FIL A place is also too crowded.
    Normally, I see food on tv and I'm like "Omg, I want it." But I just saw a commercial for a local restaurant, and they showed this giant meatball and my first reaction was "Holy crap, that looks disgusting." Food has to look pretty bad to turn my appetite off. Lol
    but also had to contact to women who had not more weight than 40 or 50 kilo. (88-110). I once lifted one friend and she was light as air lol. but she was small, so the weight was normal.
    is it true that your weight and size stands in your pass (when you have one)? in our pass there is only the size and eye color. isn´t weight a bit discriminating? or senseless, because it changes from time to time? I thought americans had only social insurance cards and no pass, but maybe it changed?
    and I heard that your driving license counts as identity card replacement de facto. but sure it´s probably different in each federal state.
    Kindness costs absolutely nothing. There’s enough hate in this world right now. Just be nice!
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I don't know about that, I gave someone roses and they cost $42... ;) :D
    Unfortunately I think kindness has been rebranded as weakness, and domination has been rebranded as power, so it's more attractive than ever to people with a certain predisposition to be as evil as they want and fear no consequences
    @Silhouette Mirage You’re totally right and that issue is both depressing and terrifying.
    I haven't done much today but I'm working all next week so it's nice to be able to chill.
    Sometimes it's great to do nothing, especially when being productive is your main MO. I have a hard time letting myself be lazy, but sometimes you really need it.
    I’m feeling talkative again, now that it’s 3am lol. But I’m dealing with some joint pain at the moment and don’t really feel like going to sleep yet.
    I haven't been talkative at all today, on here or in real life. I just feel like I don't have much to say for some reason. I just feel kind of subdued and quiet. Hopefully it will pass soon.
    Much the same for me. It's OK to be this way; it's also why I have not posted too much on the forum lately.
    Everyone needs a bit of time to just be (decompress). Quiet is okay.
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