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  • I went to bed at 5pm… sorry if I haven’t replied to anyone. I’ll get to it in the morning :)
    I’m trying to eat, and I’m having to push away 5 whining, snuffling snouts that are currently being stuck right into my food.
    Today I got the most comfortable fleece sweater I have ever had and it is already covered in white dog hairs.
    I would really prefer to live in the middle of nowhere too. And I think my dogs would!
    Omg, I would never let my service dog jump on a table! That’s very bad etiquette.
    It is different if you own one :)
    And yes, easy to invest your soul into them :)
    Yep. Dogs love it in the middle of nowhere--its like they come alive.
    No, the cafe dog people are why I do not want pets right now, but eventually I'll find a good dog somewhere. Cats also are fine but they're not good for outdoors at all.
    One of my favorite pets growing up was a chicken.
    They really do! :)
    I would get annoyed with people bringing misbehaving dogs into a cafe too :/ Some pet owners are really ignorant.
    I can help you find a good dog someday if you’d like! Fortunately I have a lot of connections within the community :)
    I’ve never had a cat but I don’t mind them. They are cute.
    Chickens are nicer pets than people realize. Game birds are interesting too.
    My Pointer dog has been terrorizing the neighborhood kids. So now I only walk him at night and I won’t let him out in the yard unsupervised.
    I’ve thought about that, but I know what it’s like to be in foster care and constantly bounced around between families… I don’t want to fail him :( The person who gave him to me said “If anyone can help this dog, you can.” So I’m not ready to give up. Rescue dogs take a lot of patience and a lot of work but I do have faith in him (and myself.)
    My dogs have a pig toy that is a treat dispenser and the treats come out of its nostrils.
    By coincidence, I was remarking to my friend about a "game" I'd seen advertised. Doggie Doo Corgi. The awards come out the other end, after rolling a die and honking a horn the corresponding number of times as depicted by the spots on the die. Meant for humans of developmental age 3 or less, looks like.
    That’s even worse lol. When I bought the toy I had no idea that it was a treat dispenser. At least it’s the nose and not the other end.
    For once, I had fast enough reflexes to catch my dog stealing something off the counter, and rescue the item from him.
    I had to pull out my entry for the dog show on Jan. 8th because Covid is getting really bad again where I am :( Waste of $35 but safety 1st
    I’m not making a lot of sense today :( I wish I knew how to talk about what’s going on in my head but it’s hard to express it.
    My small dog Linda is indeed a purebred Portuguese Podengo, according to the US breed club for Podengos. I was correct. Lol
    Coincidentally, Podengos (the larger variety) and Dogo Argentinos often hunt in packs together in Portugal. So I have two breeds of dogs that are bred to work closely together. And I am Portuguese lol
    I should be sound asleep right now but I just spent the last hour patching my walls where my dogs have scratched it up with the furniture :(
    They always jump into this one chair that has a wood backing and it scratched a bunch of the paint off my living room wall. They also try to snatch stuff off the walls and leave claw marks in the process.
    My Pointer (dog that I rescued recently, with help from a friend) likes to take his stuffed animals to bed and cuddle with them :)
    He’s not a very friendly dog in general, he growls and shows teeth at kids and dogs and thinks everyone is an intruder, but he’s learned that he can’t get away with biting/snapping at me. He is a train wreck, but I think with constant training and affection he will improve. He trusts me now.
    Sorry this is happening. My nightmsres get distinctly worse when I am wanting a change, or there is stress.
    Thank you. Sorry you have to deal with it too :(
    I think it probably is stress related but I’m not sure. I probably do need a change of scenery or something.
    Only 3 more months of winter. Then it’ll be easier to get sun & air again.
    My dreams/nightmares have gotten increasingly vivid and disturbing lately. I’m starting to worry about my mental state.
    same but awake nightmarish panic attacks,phone a suicide phoneline, tell them youre autistic they might have a connection to a team for mental health,if youre taking tablets hide them
    @Gerontius Yes, they’re keeping me from sleeping.
    Thanks for caring everyone :)
    This has been happening for a while now but it’s been getting worse :( I think it might be stress or anxiety but I don’t really know.
    It’s snowing!!! We will have a white Christmas here for the first time in a decade :) :)
    It snowed here too! I've only seen one other white Christmas in my life (26th of December, in South Carolina of all places) but now Connecticut is properly snowy--No precipitation says Christmas like snow.
    bizarrely no snow on n.e.england coast but cold hasnt snowed in december since the mid 1980s,its feet deep in Wisconsin
    Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope everyone can find peace and joy this holiday… and to those who are struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out.
    My love and prayers are with you all this Christmas! Thank you guys for being such wonderful friends <3
    Crewlucaa, you are so rad and so friendly. Merry Christmas!
    Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too! <3
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