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  • Back in the U.S Back in the U.S Back in the U.S.S.R
    Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out
    They leave the West behind
    And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
    That Georgia's always on my my my my my my my my my mind
    The late Devonian mass extinction still upsets me. Poor old Trilobites. :(
    See woodlouse regularly that remind me of them.
    Yes. We called them rolly polly bugs.
    Pou de bois here.
    In big families only the oldest kid was guarenteed fresh bath water.
    Then was the water so dirty by the last kid that they threw the baby out with the bath water? XD
    Hey Ho we were the dorks of yore. Our Saturday Night Fever was staying up all night playing D&D.
    My pappy said, "Son, you're gonna' drive me to drinkin' If you don't stop drivin' that Hot Rod Lincoln."
    To be at peace in the universe treat everyone like they owe you money.
    Only 138 days till Christmas
    Have you started Christmas shopping yet? I have.
    No, but I am starting to think about gifts now. What would be just right, etc.
    Sometimes I smell the rose, sometimes I feel the thorns. But then 'Ouch!' and I feel like an idiot.
    History will date the start of the collaspe of the USA to 1996 when the Federal Tea board was abolished.
    We are outnumbered by Robots 4 to 1. But some are hiding now that I caught them.
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