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A few months ago I was in a low moment of my life, confused, and without energy. Fortunately, reading books doesn’t require much effort on my part, so I started reading a cascade of books on relationships. There was one that made an emphasis in having fun: make it a goal, have more fun in your life!

So I wrote down:

Have more fun:

a) Watch one movie during the weekends.

b) Go to that pizzeria that we like with the kids on Fridays.

Thankfully (because that ´fun list´ was not exactly promising), there were other recommendations, so I took note of them too:

Resolve your personal issues:

a) Reduce being so defensive (cure narcissistic injury)

b) Explore this Asperger’s thing that suspiciously describes me. How come? I am me because of my own effort and struggle, not because someone put some software in my brain that I share with other people. Well. Regardless of my ego, I’ll research.

Join a support group (Say what?! No. OK, maybe if I am anonymous in an internet group or something like that):

a) Join some Asperger’s online community.

What do you know? All these steps were linked together, and since I joined AspiesCentral my life has had a big turn. I’ve met people online that care about similar things than I do, and that share similar inputs in life in general. I’ve got tons of advice and I’ve been able to contribute with those little rules of life (that I had put together in my mind for my own consumption), out there for other people that might need them. I’ve also met people that have had such an impact on me, that have changed my life for the better. I found people that gave value to their own inner worlds and were proud about it. ‘Me too, me too!’ It’s basically what I’ve been saying over there for the last few months.

Most important of all: I am having FUN. But what is fun? In my personal dictionary invented by me, it’s having such a good time, that you smile and laugh. In this forum some people have a sense of humor that I can relate too, and also, there’s a bunch of people that care about words, and like having fun by playing with them. Great!

Today I saw this Ted video, in which the speaker, a lexicographer, encourages people to make new words. Why should creativity not include making new words? For this wordlover, that sounds exciting a fun… Hey! Did I just make a new word?


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