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Life was not worth the balance

  • Author Author AprilR
  • Create date Create date
  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 1 min read
I got reminded of that David Bowie song.
Burnout and started crying at the office last friday. I had to leave early because i felt too angry.

I am crying now because i had to leave work. Bc of this office i got some self esteem, but the workload is too much for me. I feel so sorry for my employer bc he was relying on me but i am just an autistic person who can barely live on her own. I am sorry to let him down but i never deserved any of the credit he gave me.
I just want to rest a while and not think about life


Hey friend, I hope today was a better day. How did things turn out? Have you ever considered asking for accommodations for your job? I'd think if you were sly about it you wouldn't even have to say your autistic you could just "look I get kinda bitchy when the lights are too bright and I have too much work to do" kind of thing lol. Like I've noticed that if you tell neurotypical people WHAT you're having a problem with instead of that your problem is your autism, it seems to go much better. Anyways I hope you're doing better.
Hey friend, I hope today was a better day. How did things turn out? Have you ever considered asking for accommodations for your job? I'd think if you were sly about it you wouldn't even have to say your autistic you could just "look I get kinda bitchy when the lights are too bright and I have too much work to do" kind of thing lol. Like I've noticed that if you tell neurotypical people WHAT you're having a problem with instead of that your problem is your autism, it seems to go much better. Anyways I hope you're doing better.
Thank you so much. I am feeling better bc i had a talk with my employer. I told him that i am at my limit with the workload and he is trying to help me now. He said he will also hire someone new but he can't seem to find someone he likes.
I guess i will put up with it for a while longer

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