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I understand my own misery

  • Author Author Xinyta
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I am obsessed with what I am doing wrong and that I am a endless failure, when I surcome to my delusions and general negativity. Doubts set in. I start wanting to sit and ruminate on everything I am doing wrong. Even mistakes, or not paying attention will just be added on.

I beat on myself so hard, that nothing else can fill the space. I lose myself to the delusions of being the always wrong, always bad, always in trouble, persona I forced on myself.

I understand now it's a mix of trama, depression, and psychosis. These things agitate my Autism and force me into meltdowns and I shut off.

Though I do notice, that once I fall into that negativity trap. It's very hard to get out of it. But even this hasn't been so much the case now. I can rebound quicker than I have in the past. Though, alot of it comes from an understanding that my negative thoughts are just that. They don't mean anything, if I don't allow it to.

My mind is inclined to self-judgement and self-beratement. But not by my own choice orginally. I was forced into this by an uncaring parental unit. But it is my fault in holding it as a standard, as a person. Not allowing evolution, nor learning. Not allowing focus. All out of the desire to hide from 'horrible' things. Things that have ceased existing for sometime.

Now it's about adjusting my mindset and removing the negativity that haunts me. I know I'll never forget. But I can move on from it.


What you described here is very similar to why I have also been practically afraid of my own shadow since I was young due to the same vicious feedback loop. I was more or less conditioned as a kid to seek out mainly only the interests and people my very opinionated mother and older sister thought were socially acceptable. The unfortunate end result has been me trying in vain to be someone I’m not. My mother could also be blistering harsh on me when she lost patience with me not having regular social skills, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget those moments either.

The catch is, like you, I kept holding on to this standard long after I could have broken from it/knew I had become responsible for the consequences. Even after realizing I was making myself unnecessarily isolated and miserable.

Recently, the last nail on the coffin was telling someone my biggest insecurity was being perceived as weird and I was asked why I identified that way. The ensuing reminder was simply, “Because people told me a long time ago and I haven’t been able to escape it.”

I don’t know how long of a work in progress this shift is going to take me, but for my part I’ve been trying to regain a stronger sense of self to better stand up for myself. The end goal, at the moment, is to evolve towards “I’ll try to make a good impression, but if I get snubbed, I’ll accept it and move on out of self-respect.”
It's very difficult. A uphill battle that feels like it'll never be won. But it only feels thay way when you solely count the numerous times you are kicked down.

I am nowhere near the person I was in 2022. That version of me couldn't give you a coherent explanation for anything. I hated life, hated being around people, and hated the world. I still hold a fairly cynical veiw of the world. But not to the extent I use to.

About the only interaction I had with people was if I was left no choice in socail settings or if I was gaming with someone. Otherwise, no one was on my radar at all. I couldn't of cared enough.

Looking at this. It's a testament of how far I have come from the isolated nihilist, that gamed all day.

Sometimes a reminder of your accomplishments, is nessissarily to help continue the battle for self-betterment.

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