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I've not even gotten a referral yet and I trust my GP to find someone good, but I have had my hopes dented a little in chatting on Facebook with a women in my community who says she has been trying for 9 years to get an autism diagnosis and not succeeded. She says someone in the local hospital tried to diagnose her as bi-polar. This is known to be one of the misdiagnoses given to women on the spectrum and I am aware that I may encounter a doctor who wants to diagnose me as such. I've had a long look at the diagnostic criteria and it's not a good fit for me. I keep telling myself that I fit the diagnostic criteria for autism so much better that it would be malpractice for someone to insist on bi-polar disorder. And yet this happens to women enough to be frequently written about so why should I be any different?

It's more likely that I will be told I have CFS/ME and anxiety and maybe that I am borderline autistic but the severity of it will be dismissed or diminished. At least that wouldn't put me at risk of being given inappropriate medication.

I must try not to obsess and worry over this. Writing it down helps.


It might help to assemble some material that supports your self-diagnosis. And the more of the common misdiagnoses you can disprove, the better your chances. It's common to have to fight for what you know is right, and being prepared can make a big difference.
It might help to assemble some material that supports your self-diagnosis. And the more of the common misdiagnoses you can disprove, the better your chances. It's common to have to fight for what you know is right, and being prepared can make a big difference.
Thanks, Puzzlingbill, I have been doing just that. I am more likely to go in with too much.

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Clueless in Canada
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