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Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows


This will probably be my last blog post for awhile, and I may even be taking a break from this site as a whole for a bit; until I get into the swing of work and university this season. I wanted to do an entry for Our Lady's Nativity on September 8th, but have been unable to do so due to my difficulties to get everything in order for work and university.

September 15th is a of Our Lady under Her title of Our Lady of Sorrows, and the primary aspect of this devotion is the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady; Seven times during Her time on earth in which She experienced periods of great sorrow. This devotion involves either praying seven Hail Marys, while meditating in sequence on each of the Seven Sorrows during the Hail Marys; or saying the Seven Sorrows Rosary, a chaplet consisting of seven decades with each "decade" having seven beads, thus you say seven Hail Marys while meditating on each of the Seven Sorrows in sequence. I wish I could go over the the Seven Sorrows in detail but unfortunately, I don't have the time and I don't think there's enough room on these blog entries either, so I'll just list them here, the Seven Sorrows are as follows:

First Sorrow: The Prophecy of Saint Simeon.

Second Sorrow: The Flight into Egypt.

Third Sorrow: The Searching for Jesus in the Temple.

Fourth Sorrow: Our Lady meets Her Son on His way to His Crucifixion.

Fifth Sorrow: Our Lady stands beneath the Cross while Her Son dies.

Sixth Sorrow: Our Lord's Body is placed in the arms of Our Lady.

Seventh Sorrow: Our Lady witnesses Her Son's body being laid in the tomb.

I have a huge devotion to Our Lady, and Our Lady of Sorrows is one of the key titles under which I have a particular devotion to Her. Devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows has been recommended to people who are suffering with interior wounds, those who are wounded and turn to Her will receive Her special help and healing. I myself have some wounds from childhood and by turning to Her, have made a lot of progress in having them healed. In the blog post I was planning to do for September 8th, I was originally planning to reflect on the progress I made in the past few years, but as mentioned above, I was unable to find the time to do all that. I have made a lot of progress though, and in the days leading up to this feast day, I have noticed that my devotion particularly to Our Lady of Sorrows has deepened as the time passes.

Glory to God
Hail Mary!



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