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Christmas and its cultural effects on all of us

Christmas time is coming! And that means shopping sales, trees, lights, cookies, and a jolly old fat man who breaks into your house and leaves gifts! Christmas has had a large influence on our worlds culture and it still does today! How did this all happen? Well it first became a major roll in our world culture as Christianity became the worlds major religion. After that, businesses saw business opportunities for this special holiday and now we have Christmas sales all over the world!

An interesting thing that I'd like to note about Santa's outfit is that he, or all the other Christmas merchandise, couldn't've been in existence today without Coca Cola. Yep, the reason why we see Santa Claus in a red outfit is because of Coca Cola's marketing strategy to put him in an outfit that matches the companies colors. Before that Santa Claus was seen in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors.

Christmas has touched all the corners of the globe and has impacted people in one way or another. So get your wallets ready because Christmas is coming!


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