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This Is My Blog Title

Clueless in Canada
4 min read
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I've been taking a break from social media and that has included this site as well. Sometimes I just feel overwhelmed by the very existence of other people, other times I am so absorbed in my interests I don't have time for social media. It has been both of those affecting me lately but in the...
I've not even gotten a referral yet and I trust my GP to find someone good, but I have had my hopes dented a little in chatting on Facebook with a women in my community who says she has been trying for 9 years to get an autism diagnosis and not succeeded. She says someone in the local hospital...
Clueless in Canada
2 min read
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Aspergers & Autism
Maybe it isn't exactly the first step, but I went to my GP and asked for a referral to a psychiatrist and he said he was very glad I'd come in to ask. He had suggested it to me six months ago only I wasn't ready. I'm scared, of course. I'm so sure I am on the spectrum and afraid that I will...
Clueless in Canada
3 min read
I have some very persistent finger stims, which do not seem to favour any particular emotion unless we assume that I am in a permanent state of either joy or anxiety. The latter is most likely, and I am medicated for anxiety which helps minimise the more obvious stims, not to mention the...

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Clueless in Canada
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