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A mom, a son and lots of curiosity

My eight-year-old told me last night, again, that he’s not learning anything at school. That he wants to know how everything was created, and how the plants and animals were inside. I told him the we could learn it at home anyway.

So today I found these very cool videos that I want to see and comment with him. But not everything is like it seems. I am an awesome mom for doing this, I know, congrats to me. But I have a confession to make: when I was eight years old, I wanted to be an astronomer. I had some books at home that showed pictures of the Sun and planet Earth next to each other, to see how they compared in scale, for example. I still remember that they said that if the Sun was a door, the Earth would be a coin. How was it possible that the Sun and the stars could be so big? I learned a few of the stars names, and I used to watch, amazed, at some of the National Geographic universe maps that we had at home. My dad showed them to me, and also bought us an Earth globe. Maybe he was having fun too, in the same way I am now. Now that I think about it, I might have not become an astronomer, but I got quite obsessed with the Earth Globe. My degree at the university was International Studies, and I have lived and visited many countries. Some of our experiences when we were kids do shape our future (not all, though).

In any case, I’m so glad I can share this interest with him. I’m doing this for him, but also for me. That’s the truth.


I still remember how excited I was when I got my first globe. That was a major event in my life.
It's cool that you can share that type of knowledge, it's a less conventional form of bonding, but I'm sure it will leave its mark.
I still remember how excited I was when I got my first globe. That was a major event in my life.
It's cool that you can share that type of knowledge, it's a less conventional form of bonding, but I'm sure it will leave its mark.
It is great, isn’t it? While writing the post, I realized that the X had taken the globe with him, so I’ve got to buy a new one.
I still remember how excited I was when I got my first globe. That was a major event in my life.
It's cool that you can share that type of knowledge, it's a less conventional form of bonding, but I'm sure it will leave its mark.
Oh no :(
But that means you can look for a new globe together. That might be fun for your son.

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